
Chargers and charging cables for e-scooters and e-scooters
Basically, batteries for e-scooters can be charged at a normal socket in the house. Depending on the model of the e-scooter or e-scooter, charging can take between four to eight hours. Lead-acid batteries need on average more time to charge than those with a lithium-ion battery. In most cases, the batteries reach around 70 percent of their capacity after just two hours. A quick charger can even shorten the charging time.

Most e-scooter manufacturers work with portable batteries that weigh around ten kilos. They are usually located under the bench or in the running board and can be removed in just a few simple steps. The battery can then be charged at a socket at home. Caution: The fans of some chargers can make noises while charging. Since the weight increases with the performance of the battery, two to three rechargeable batteries are often connected in series. In this way you benefit from two advantages: high performance and the individual batteries do not become too heavy.

How to charge the e-scooter battery correctly:

  • Charging time should never exceed 48 hours
  • Unplug the charger from the wall socket after charging
  • Recharge unused batteries every 2 months as they lose capacity
  • Charge the discharged battery immediately, otherwise there is a risk of deep discharge
  • Before each charging, check the charger for defects
  • If you need a new charger, it is very important to buy the original charging cable from the e-scooter or e-scooter manufacturer.
  • You should also pay attention to the volts so that the built-in e-scooter battery is not exposed to too high a voltage.
  • The same applies to all e-scooters as to e-scooter chargers - you can conveniently charge your e-scooter at home and speed off within 2 to 3 hours with an output of 70% to 80%.
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